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Eco-friendly sneakers for a sustainable future

Going against the grain of the shoe industry which produces 700 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, the majority coming from raw materials and in particular from the leather used for the upper (the exterior of the sneaker), we decided to create eco-friendly and vegan sneakers.

Because environmental protection is at the heart of our principles, we have sought a sustainable and responsible alternative for each component of our sneakers in order to reduce their carbon footprint. To manufacture our eco-responsible sneakers, we replaced the main material used for the exterior of the sneakers with a bio-sourced material made from cereals: corn.

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  • For the exterior of our eco-friendly sneakers, we have replaced the leather with a material made from non-food pesticide-free corn with properties similar to those of leather. In addition to being eco-friendly, our sneakers are vegan!

  • Corn, renewable and ecological, has been used for many years as a biofuel to replace petroleum-based materials. Manufactured by our Italian partner, this innovative material from corn is used for shoes because of its resistance and its appearance comparable to that of leather.

    It all starts with the harvest of corn from which bio-polyols are extracted which are combined with polyurethane to give it the expected characteristics in terms of appearance and durability. The bio-PU thus obtained is then coated on cotton to make it a resistant and homogeneous material. It is one of the alternatives to leather which contains the most plant material.

    Beyond its carbon footprint, corn gives our vegan sneakers flexibility, aesthetics and comfort .

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Ethical sourcing for our eco-friendly sneakers

The eco-friendly Mood Walk sneakers also have rubber outer soles including 20% ​​recycled rubber, cotton laces, an insole and a lining made from highly absorbent material which also contains corn with 60% bio-PU made from cereals.

Everything has been designed to reduce the carbon footprint of our vegan sneakers.

Also important: all our vegan materials are sourced in neighboring countries (Portugal, Spain and Italy) to minimize transportation and ensure they are produced under ethical conditions.

Discover our customizable sneakers


What materials are used in the manufacture of eco-friendly sneakers?

For a pair of sneakers to be eco-friendly, it is necessary to respect certain criteria, particularly with regard to the composition of your women's sneakers.

The environmental impact of manufacturing a pair of women's sneakers is different depending on the material chosen: for example, for leather, you have to take into account breeding, processing of the material or even transport. The challenge in manufacturing eco-friendly sneakers is to limit CO2 emissions as much as possible at each stage of manufacturing.

At Mood Walk, we have therefore favored the use of bio-sourced materials for our eco-friendly sneakers. For the outer upper, we have chosen a "vegan leather" made from corn, made in Italy by our partner Coronet. This material requires very few resources and has the advantage of being flexible, comfortable and resistant. For the lining of our eco-responsible sneakers, we have opted for a material similar to that used for the exterior, particularly absorbent and very resistant.

This low-carbon material emits 63% less CO2 than nylon and consumes 40% less energy. The sole of our eco-friendly sneakers is made of recycled rubber. In addition, we ensure that our materials are sourced in Europe in order to limit our environmental impact.

Want to know more? Find out how to recognize eco-friendly sneakers by consulting our blog.

Which environmental standards are applied in the production of eco-friendly sneakers?

Faced with growing ecological and social awareness, more and more standards are encouraging companies to pay attention to their environmental impact and to monitor in particular their CO2 emissions and the origin of their raw materials.

The textile industry, and in particular the sneaker market, is no exception to the rule. Indeed, consumers are increasingly turning to eco-friendly sneakers: a sustainable and environmentally friendly option.

To enable consumers to become actors in their consumption, many labels aimed at approving different aspects of production have been created, such as the Oeko-Tex label : the latter certifies the absence of products dangerous to health. This label was awarded to the lining of our vegan sneakers, either for the material that can be in direct contact with the skin and for which it is important that it is not toxic.

To learn more about the certifications you need to know about eco-friendly sneakers, we recommend that you consult our blog.

Are there any labels certifying that sneakers are vegan?

There are several labels certifying that your sneakers are vegan:

  • Peta-approved Vegan

This label awarded by the animal rights association certifies that your sneakers are made without any animal exploitation. The main material of our Mood Walk vegan sneakers is Peta certified.

  • Vegan society

The “Vegan Society” label guarantees exemption from any animal involvement in the manufacturing process of your vegan sneakers, i.e. no materials of animal origin. Vegan materials are not put in contact with non-vegan materials.


This European certification ensures that your vegan sneakers fully comply with the criteria of veganism. Your vegan sneakers are therefore produced without any components of animal origin, a transparent process that does not involve any testing on animals.

For more information on the certifications you need to know about for your eco-friendly sneakers, you can consult our blog.