Baskets éthiques : Toutes à l'ecole association pour les filles

All at school: the association that helps girls control their destiny

All to school: the aim of the association

All at School is first and foremost an ambition: to offer a high-level education to the most deprived little girls in a country that particularly needs it: Cambodia. The association does not just help the students it welcomes, but also provides support to the families of its little girls who most of the time live in precarious housing and do not have enough to eat.


Why Cambodia as a place of action for girls?

Cambodia lost 90% of its intellectuals during the Khmer Rouge genocide. More than half of the population is under 18, so we must focus even more on education for the reconstruction of this country, and especially girls. Indeed, poverty is very high and parents sometimes have no choice but to make their children work from a very young age. Some girls manage to attend public schools, but they often have to stop school at the end of primary school to help their family.

The school created by All at school

The Happy Chandara school, which welcomes these children, already educates more than 1,300 girls who obtain impressive results in their exams with, for example, a 100% success rate in the baccalaureate compared to 66% on average in Cambodia.

Every year, 100 new little girls join the nursery school and have the chance to receive an education that protects them from prostitution or backbreaking work in the fields from a young age.

Mood Walk: ethical and supportive sneakers

Happy Chandara is today a whole educational journey with a primary school, a middle school, a high school, a boarding school, a vocational training center, a medical-social center and two homes to accommodate students who continue their higher education. It is now also a permaculture school that teaches residents the practices of healthy cultivation without pesticides knowing that their use is particularly widespread.

The school also provides support to various public schools. Public schools suffer from overstaffing and lack of resources. The association therefore provides them with material assistance : school supplies, equipment for premises, etc.

Each little girl can have access to a food basket with rice, oil, fruits and other foodstuffs for the family. Indeed, by being in school, they cannot work with their families and this represents a loss of income for them. In return for the food baskets, the school asks families to bring back plastic collected in their villages. With this plastic, bricks are made to be used in the construction of new houses. This action is part of the ecological approach followed by the school.

The All at School medical-social center

Education is not the only pillar of the Happy Chandara school: there is also health with the medical-social center .

This allows for dental care but also for addressing issues of malnutrition or vaccination. Indeed, one in eight Cambodian children dies before the age of 5. At the start of each school year, a health record is established and a vaccination is done with the agreement of the local health authorities and parents. Several pathologies are noted and treated during the year such as dermatological problems, abdominal pain, wounds, etc.

Mood Walk x All at School solidarity sneakers: medical social center

Nutrition is also monitored at school. Many girls suffer from malnutrition when they enroll in first grade. So, the association ensures that balanced meals are prepared with fresh products. In addition, snacks are distributed during both morning and afternoon breaks.

The planet and girls' education: a close link for All at School

All at school, it is the conviction that by educating girls , we also save the planet because they will pass on their knowledge and their respect for nature to their children.

Cambodia is a country where the use of pesticides is a scourge. Ecology is a real issue that remains to be addressed. Aware of this issue, the Happy Chandara school raises awareness among its students about the climate crisis and the need to protect the planet. Girls are particularly introduced to permaculture.

Thanks to all their knowledge, they will be able to participate in changing agricultural practices and help spread more environmentally friendly behaviors to future generations.

Ethical sneakers: donation All to school

How to help All at school?

There are several solutions if you want to support the association. First of all, the classic donation is possible, in the amount you want. Toutes à l'école has the “Don en confiance” label which is a guarantee of financial rigor and transparency. Each donation can benefit from a tax deduction.

Joining the association is also a way to help Toutes à l'école. It allows you to vote at general meetings. The membership fee is €20 per year.

Then, it is possible to sponsor one of the students . The goal is to build a lasting bond with these children and to support them until they become free and educated women. How does it work? You can decide to sponsor a kindergarten, primary, middle or high school student, or a post-baccalaureate student for a minimum of €35 per month. You will be able to discover the school's news two to three times a year with the newsletters, and receive your goddaughter's academic results each quarter. The school more generally can be sponsored for a minimum of €20 per month. By doing this, you support all the students enrolled at Happy Chandara and follow the school's news. You contribute financially to the tuition fees, medical and dental care, meals served and help the families.

Talking about the association is also a way of showing support: you help to make it known and therefore, in a certain way, you contribute to bringing in donations.


Mood Walk and All to School: our action

Mood Walk decided to support the association Toutes à l'école for several reasons. First of all, girls' education is an important subject for the creator, Bénédicte. She is convinced that education is the prelude to the emancipation of women for a fairer and more responsible world. It is also a country that she knows well and to which she is attached. Finally, the association does remarkable field work with impressive results that make you want to support them

“I carried out a humanitarian mission in Cambodia with children and students. This experience had a profound impact on me. I was touched by this generous country and the welcome given to its population, who have suffered greatly. Children in particular often live in very precarious conditions. I want to contribute to giving girls, who are too often excluded from school, a chance to become free and educated women.” explains Bénédicte, the founder of the eco-responsible sneaker brand MoodWalk.

Finally, supporting girls also means helping to save the planet because Toutes à l'école students are made aware of ecological challenges and environmentally friendly farming methods. In turn, Toutes à l'école students will ensure that their children receive a good education and have environmentally friendly practices.

On the other hand, the planet is one of our pillars. Indeed, we favor manufacturing our ecological sneakers with vegan and eco-responsible materials in a country close to France to limit transport.

In line with our values ​​and those of the association, you can therefore find removable straps with messages that promote women and raise awareness about protecting our planet. If these subjects touch you, these pairs of message straps will be perfect for your Mood Walk customized sneakers.

Mood Walk highlights its commitment to women's rights and the environment . This is why we have decided to donate €2 to the association for each pair of eco-friendly sneakers purchased. Beyond reducing your carbon footprint, purchasing our eco-friendly sneakers will, at the same time, have an impact on the lives of young Cambodian women and on the planet.

You can even choose a message that echoes the mission of Toutes à l’école: “Educating girls means saving the planet” or “Educating girls means saving Earth”.

Personalized straps for our ethical and solidarity Mood Walk sneakers

You too can support Toutes à l’école by choosing your pair of ethical sneakers and your messages .

Discover our vegan sneakers